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Risotto Coi Bruscandoli

Risotto coi Bruscandoli

Adapted from recipe here

1.5 cup (300 g) Arborio Rice 4 cup (1 liter) Vegetable Broth
3 cup (300 g) Bruscandoli (Hop Shoots)
use only the tender tips, break off hard ends
1/2 cup (50 g) grated parmesan cheese
1 Onion – minced 2 tbsp Olive Oil
4 tbsp (60 g) Butter (unsalted) Salt/Pepper/Parsley to taste

  • Chop the onion and Bruscandoli finely
  • Add chopped onion and Bruscandoli to pan with olive oil and sauté for about 10 minutes at medium heat
  • Season with salt and add rice, stirring for 5 minutes
  • Start to pour in broth, about a half cup at a time, stirring frequently, until the liquid is mostly absorbed by the rice before adding the next half cup of broth – mixture should still be wet, and not dry/sticky once the liquid is absorbed
  • Remove from heat, add the remaining butter, cheese, pepper, and parsley to taste and stir together well


Serve with your favorite hoppy beer!

Serves about four
