Another neat little piece of saved paper – something that’s usually thrown away, but grandma tucked into her box of correspondence. The ticket date is May 11, 1962 and lines up with a trip she made to Detroit for a nursing conference. This is supported by mention of the American Nurses Association conference being held in Detroit from May 14-18 in 1962 on
this document found on the internet. Grandma was in nursing school at the Coatesville Nursing school during that time, and there are even photos of her trip there on some rather degraded slides. Still, it’s neat to have all those pieces of data to back up the timing and reason for her trip. So many times in preserving family history, I come across unmarked, undated photos, so it’s pretty incredible to be able to string together an event, a ticket stub, AND photos altogether into one little package. For me, it’s the little bits of throw-away stuff like train tickets that people saved that really pull the whole thing together, and I love finding items like this!