Tag: <span>cowl</span>

Mittens and a Cowl

I get so good at blogging and then fall off the wagon for a while.  To be fair, we’ve had a bad few months with lots of grief and loss, so the blog has been less important lately.  Anyway, I do have another spun-to-finished project to show off.  Well, two, really, from the same batch of yarn/fiber.

The fiber is Koigu braided roving, and is 100% Targhee fiber.   This was acquired at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival in 2010, and I LOVE the fiber. DSC_1349
It’s really light and sproingy, so I managed to spin 500 yards from the 100 grams. DSC_3570
Finally, the two finished objects made from the same skein of yarn.  One pair of Broad Street Mittens, and one Moebius Cowl.  Both were easy knits, and simple, because I wanted the colors to show themselves off more than the pattern. They’re both patterns I’ve knit before, so it was easy, and I made a few small modifications along the way (as you do when you’ve knit a pattern multiple times and know just how to fit it to your peculiarities).  Very pleased with how they both came out.  I knit the mittens first and then the cowl second, using up every inch of the yarn which means it’s a little short, but does the job well enough!
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