Tag: <span>upcycling</span>

Recycled Sheets Doily Rug

Doily Rug
Started: 14 March 2022
Finished: 15 March 2022
Pattern: Rag Doily Rug by Coco Knits
Yarn: Recycled sheets
Needle: US 19 / 15 mm
Notes:  I have a few sets of old sheets lying around that  I keep meaning to upcycle into something usable.  Well, it was finally time!  This set of sheets, I actually ripped a hole in the middle when I got into bed, that’s how thin they had gotten.  So, first step was to cut them into size.  These were for a California King bed, so I folded them over a few times to make it a shorter pass and went to town with my rotary cutter, cutting 1.5″ strips.  To join strips together, I want to say I used the looped hole technique shown here, but it’s also been over a year and I can’t quite remember? I don’t think I bothered sewing the ends together, but my strips were pretty long.  The needles were something I grabbed from online since I definitely didn’t have a size that large on hand, and I’m not going to lie, I’m used to knitting socks, so knitting something this big on needles that large was a full arm workout and definitely tiring on the hands.  Thankfully, it was a pretty small project and went rather quickly!  The fabric, IIRC, was some kind of microfiber fabric, so the weave is SUPER messy – it split and frayed all over the place while I was knitting and there was just no way to control it – it was nothing like ripping/cutting a plain old cotton sheet.  In the end, things came together well and the resulting rug does look a little fuzzy, but it hasn’t shed anymore.  I did wash and lay this out to shape it before placing it at our back door, and I think that helped a bunch.  SUPER fun to do this and I’m happy with the final result!  I still have a bunch of this ‘yarn’ leftover too, so I should be able to make another one too.