Tag: <span>wanida</span>

August Knitting Wrap-up

I’m actually on time!  Back again to the Knitting Resolutions..

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

DSC_3981 >Handspun Wanida
Pattern: Wanida
Designer: Cookie A.
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: My own Handspun
Ravelry Project Link

I’m fiercely proud of these.  The handspun is a superwash BFL by Twisted Fiber Art that I spun as part of Tour de Fleece.  It knitted up and wears absolutely beautifully.  Even though there’s a jog in the color change for the heel, I still like how they came out and worked with the pattern.  Knitted up quick and those colors are just spectacular!

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
We gots your spunroving right here. This is 632 yards of fingering weight yarn that was started during Tour de Fleece and finished up in August. When I realized I had 632 yards, I figured it was way more than 4 ounces to begin with, so I’m saying it’ll count for August. It’s navajo plied and is a merino roving that was found at Maryland Sheep & Wool festival this year. We had a dye day not too long ago and I dyed this at the event. Love the way it came out and now I have to find something that will use the whole batch of yarn.

Still making progress on that sweater, but as the year is already half-over, I’m not sure if I’ll actually complete all my resolutions and goals.  Well, there’s always next year, right?